Visit of Bhayangkara Raya University

Thursday, January 9, 2019, Bhayangkara Raya University visited PJM of Mercu Buana University to conduct a comparative study to share experiences and best practices in increasing SPMI at the university. “With this visit, Bhayangkara University hopes to get knowledge and best practice from PJM Mercu Buana University to welcome better BAN PT Accreditation in the future”. Tutur Sugeng Suroso as Daily Executive Head of LPM Bhayangkara University. It is undeniable that the presence of quality SPMI at a University will be able to encourage the University to achieve better quality in its implementation.

In addition to discussing the main functions of SPMI, Dr. Ir. Eliyani as the head of the PJM UMB center also added that the importance of SPMI University is supported by various parties who have high commitment in building a quality culture, one of which is the Faculty Quality Group. “The University of Mercu Buana in carrying out its activities, is supported by the Faculty Quality Group which has the main task in disseminating and building a quality culture in the faculties and universities. In addition, with the presence of the Faculty Quality Clusters we are greatly assisted in monitoring and evaluating documents in Faculty so that in the future the Auditor and Auditee steps will become more organized “.

This was reinforced by Agus Arijanto, MM as Deputy head of PJM UMB’s center about the pillars of SPMI at Mercu Buana University, in addition to the Faculty Quality Group, UMB also prepared Facilitators and Auditors. “We also have a Facilitator – Quality facilitator who can oversee the development of Quality Activities within Mercu Buana University. In addition we are also active in holding workshops and training to improve and update the capabilities of our internal auditors. So that later they can become agents of change, which can bring a better quality culture towards the future “.

With this brief meeting, PJM of Mercu Buana University and LPM from Bhayangkara Raya University can take conclusions where many must be prepared from the beginning seriously, so that in the future they can face accreditation well and smoothly. “We are grateful to be able to explore SPMI and have to dig deeper and earlier in preparing for accreditation”. Welcoming Sugeng Suroso in the event.